In the past six months at the Rock Church we have gone through many changes. The elementary went from meeting in a hallway foyer area to having this massive Great Hall at our location. I was glowing at meeting in such a big room. We bought a few bounce houses, purchased some great sound and video equipment and it was awesome. Everyone who saw our new environment was very excited. Unfortunately, the school was not content with the new changes that we made. So they kicked us out of the great hall and back into the original arrangement. I have been a little down over the past week or so thinking about it. But this week, some really cool things have altered my opinion.
1. I received this email from a parent that was huge encouragement : " thanks for all you do for the kids, mine and everyone elses. ____ and _____ were having a conversation about how God is their rock and they should use His word as their foundation...so whatever you are doing is workin!!!!"
2. Friday night I invited some of my graduating 5th graders for a baseball game and an all-nighter of Xbox. They had a great time and it was a great reminder that ministry is all about relationships. It is events like that that kids will remember so much more than anything I ever said on Sunday.
3. A local Pastor came to visit with his family. He had two elementary children come and visit our new environment. When the parents came to pick them up, the kids came running saying "We had so much fun"
I am starting my 4th year as the Children's Director and I am so blessed to be at the Rock. The people at the Rock give so much and I am thankful for the great friendships that have formed.
Charley, you do an awesome job and we're thankful to have you. When we did the congregational surveys one of the common themes was that everybody recognized the kids ministry was a strong point of our church. Keep up the good work.
Charley ... I've got to add you to my own blog-list! Your blog is so good!
You have a real heart for kids - Cadey misses you, now that she's moved up to Jr. High.
Thanks for all you do for TRC ... parents want their kids to enjoy attending church and learning about Jesus. I can't imagine a safer, more nurturing, exciting environment than Clubhouse and a great leader like you at the helm.
kids at the rock are lucky to have you. you do an amazing job!
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