Thursday, March 19, 2009

TV Hiatus...well kind of

Alright, so life has been a little challenging lately. I have alot of my plate and I get overwhelmed sometimes. I am a world class procrastinator. I have been great at it since high school. I don't think I finished more than two books in all my high school English classes. However, I skimmed the best of the cliff notes. All this to say, I need to clear my head some and get back to some basics. This is the season of lent and I don't want to claim that I'm giving up this for God, because I am doing this more for myself. I need to clear my head a little more so that I can focus on God and what He's doing right now. I feel like I am missing out on some good stuff. So here is what I am going to do. No more watching TV by myself. I tend to come home after work and just want to veg in front of the tube. I also do this on my days off. So for the next few weeks I'll go outside a little more, play some more guitar and maybe just maybe even try to read a book. I just picked up Messy Spirituality. I'm not giving it up completely as I enjoy watching a few shows with Laura. But I am going to cut back seriously for a while and hopefully it will stick.

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