Four Months Strong
Carver reached four months this week. It's still crazy to think of myself as a parent. There is definitely more responsibility and a little more planning is needed. But he is worth it and we have decided to keep him. He is growing very rapidly. He does not seem to like to spend time on his tummy. However he loves to stand up. He can hold himself up by just holding onto your fingers for a little bit. I think he might walk before he crawls. That will probably mean a lot more work for us - baby proofing our house and all. We had his checkup this week and the Doc says he is looking great. Here are his stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 1.2 oz - 51%
Height: 24.75 inches - 43%
Head: 43 cm - 74%
So he has a big head - there is a little bit of an argument on who he gets that from.
That is one cute baby.
He is has a big head too. the only thing that has ever been large on her growth curve....I think she was around the 80% for HC and never passed the 7th for weight
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