25 Things about me stolen from Facebook
1. I have been married for 7 plus years to a beautiful wife Laura and we now have an adorable son Carver Lee who is 8 months old. We also have her Purse Dog Beast who is a Bichon/Pom and I have the best dog Phoenix who is a sometimes smelly Golden Retriever.
2. I work at 3 different places yet still have time to spend 2 -3 full days to hang out with my son.
3. Hockey is my favorite sport, yet I have not played it in almost 15 years. Now I play softball.
4. I get a little OCD when it comes to trying to find something online - like a vehicle on Craigslist. I do this repeatedly during a day even when I know I can't afford it or won't be able to for a few years.
5. My dream is to become a full time Children's Pastor.
6. I recently went to Mac and I never want to go back.
7. As I get older, I listen to a lot more Talk Radio and lot less music.
8. I somewhat shamefully like to listen to country music - more 90's country than todays country.
9. I still consider my best friend Gabe Marshall - even though I haven't seen him in more than 8 years and have only talked to him a few times since then.
10. Once, Blair and I dropped off his mom's Cat at a girls house as a prank. I still don't understand why. Mrs D is mad at me to this day for that one.
11. A few weeks later I dropped off a dead squirrel at the same girls house. This might make me a serial killer. I'm still not sure why I did that. However, she was my girlfriend a few weeks later. However, it didn't last very long. Kind of like all of my relationships before Laura.
12. I got married at 21 and felt like I waited a long time because my parents were married at 19 and 20 and my sisters both got married when they were 18.
13. I had the opportunity to perform at the White House in 2003.
14. I have been to 40 states. These are the ones I am missing: Vermont, Rhode Island, South Dakota, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Montana, Maine, Delaware , Connecticut and Alaska. I think I have passed through Delaware and Connecticut I just can't say for sure. One day I hope to see them all - especially Alaska.
15. I have spent about 6 weeks working in England and love it. I could totally live there.
16. I used to live in a house that used to be owned by Hank Williams Jr's sister.
17. After being married for 6 years, my wife found out I can play the trumpet.
18. I really really like the idea of reading, however when it comes to the act I mostly fall asleep. I never finished a book I was supposed to read in High School. Cliff notes are amazing. Do they even make them anymore or is all online?
19. When Carver learns to ride a bike or tricycle, I want to learn the unicycle.
20. I am hoping to get a VW Trike for my 29th or 30th Birthday.
21. My most prized possession as a 7 year old was my nunchucks. I used to attack the Gordon Girls with them and my sisters. One day they disappeared and I was very sad. 10 years later, Beth Gordon Eichelberger found them in a tree in her back yard while doing yard work. I treasure them still.
22. I love Baseball. I collected cards as a kid and kind of lost my passion until I got married. My wife was a fan, so I started following. Now, I am way to much of a baseball geek for her taste.
23. Laura and I used to sit and dream about opening some type of Teen Center one day.
24. My favorite TV show is Lost. I admit I have a problem and listen to Lost Podcasts. I also enjoy Fringe, Terminator, Sons of Anarchy and Dexter and NCIS.
25. I used to be a professional Yo-Yo man.