So God created people in his own image, God patterned them after himself; male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:27
Genesis 1:27
Today we reached a new landmark in Carver's life. We fed him real food. Well if you can call rice cereal real food. I don't think I would eat it myself, but the books and others say start him out on cereal and not steak. What do you do? He was pretty excited to try something new for a little while. Sometimes I think he gets more excited about the attention that he gets from us, rather than whatever new thing he is experiencing. He loves to see his Mama and daddy. He loves our attention. I love to just look at my son. He is a beautiful creation. I look into his eyes and see a little bit of me and a little bit of Laura. How complex this little man is. In the past few weeks he has been making many more noises than just grunting and crying and a little bit of cooing. Today he started opening his mouth wide open when making sounds. He realized that a whole new array of sounds come out this way. He was so excited to just talk to his daddy. I spoke back to him telling him things like "I love you" and "you are so precious" - you know the normal new parent things. Then I got thinking that my son just wanted to talk to me. Not only did he want to talk to me, but I wanted to listen to what he had to say. I told him that he was important and I always wanted to listen. Whether he wanted to disagree or tell me about nuclear physics, I just wanted to hear him out. I wanted to because I cared about him. I adored him. Tears came to my eyes as I thought about this. A little while later I realized that I have a father like this. I have a Father that created me in his own image. A Father that loves me so much that he gave what was most precious to Him to save me. I have a Father that adores me. He likes me and wants to just hear me out. He wants to see me grow and he wants to see me experience new things. He wants me to be who He created me to be - like Him - in my own way.