Thursday, March 19, 2009

TV Hiatus...well kind of

Alright, so life has been a little challenging lately. I have alot of my plate and I get overwhelmed sometimes. I am a world class procrastinator. I have been great at it since high school. I don't think I finished more than two books in all my high school English classes. However, I skimmed the best of the cliff notes. All this to say, I need to clear my head some and get back to some basics. This is the season of lent and I don't want to claim that I'm giving up this for God, because I am doing this more for myself. I need to clear my head a little more so that I can focus on God and what He's doing right now. I feel like I am missing out on some good stuff. So here is what I am going to do. No more watching TV by myself. I tend to come home after work and just want to veg in front of the tube. I also do this on my days off. So for the next few weeks I'll go outside a little more, play some more guitar and maybe just maybe even try to read a book. I just picked up Messy Spirituality. I'm not giving it up completely as I enjoy watching a few shows with Laura. But I am going to cut back seriously for a while and hopefully it will stick.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Consequences of Truth

In the past week I have come upon a few situations where I have been really tempted to lie. Earlier this week someone made the statement question: "You don't have any weapons in your house right?" and today on my life insurance medical evaluation I was asked "When was the last time you had tobacco products?"
To address the first question, I do have a broken 22 caliber rifle packed away in my garage. The rifle is no where near the bullets which are hidden in a complete different room. I don't see this weapon as a threat anymore than one of the knives in my kitchen. And now to the second question, I do enjoy a cigar or clove every once in a while. Due to me answering these questions honestly, a child will probably not attend a Kid's conference this weekend and I will have to pay a higher rate for my term life insurance. Sometimes the truth just seems a bit inconvenient.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

9 months and kicking and biting and falling

So Carver now is crawling like there is no tomorrow. I take that back tomorrow he wants to walk. He pulls himself up to his feet using whatever he can: legs, couches, dogs, diaper bags. Once he gets up, he isn't quite sure what to do with himself so he gets excited and falls. His bottom two teeth are in and his top ones just cut through in the last day or two. That means he doesn't sleep through the night very well. The Doctor said go ahead and pump him full of ibuprofen so he's comfortable. I'm not going to argue with that. So today we had his 9 month checkup and here are the results.

Height: 31.25 - 100%
Weight: 21lbs 14.3 oz - 70%
Head: 47.25 cm - 95%

I think Carver is going to be a pretty big kid. Maybe a Ninja.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lego Masters and the Mariner Moose

So there is about 2 inches of snow already on the ground and much more coming. This morning it was just really cold so Laura and I wanted to take Carver somewhere warm other than the house. So we went to the Bellsquare Mall. In the center of the mall there were tons of kids waiting to be a part of something magical - Helping a Lego Master build an 8ft R2-D2. When I look back at my childhood I had many favorite toys - Nunchucks, Big Wheels and Legos. I played with legos much older than the average kid. I think I finally put them up around 8th or 9th grade. The Pirate Legos were my favorite - probably because they had guns. After watching the Lego Master build for while we went and saw the Mariner Moose at Pottery Barn Kids. Carver wasn't quite sure what the massive stuffed animal was - so we took his picture and got and autograph for Carver. I can't wait for the baseball season. Tickets go on sale next week. So the mall isn't always evil and today it certainly beat just being lazy around the house.