So Carver now is crawling like there is no tomorrow. I take that back tomorrow he wants to walk. He pulls himself up to his feet using whatever he can: legs, couches, dogs, diaper bags. Once he gets up, he isn't quite sure what to do with himself so he gets excited and falls. His bottom two teeth are in and his top ones just cut through in the last day or two. That means he doesn't sleep through the night very well. The Doctor said go ahead and pump him full of ibuprofen so he's comfortable. I'm not going to argue with that. So today we had his 9 month checkup and here are the results.
Height: 31.25 - 100%
Weight: 21lbs 14.3 oz - 70%
Head: 47.25 cm - 95%
I think Carver is going to be a pretty big kid. Maybe a Ninja.