Life has been a bit hectic lately and thus the lack of posting the past 2 weeks. On Thursday, we had a Small Group Dessert Social. It was a way for people in our church to find out who's in life groups and a chance to get plugged in. There was way to much dessert and not much room to move. Overall I thought it went over very well. I was able to connect with a new family in our church with young children. This mom was sharing that they were having a tough time finding a church primarily because it was difficult to find a place where the kids wanted to come. Well things have changed for them now. Now on Saturday nights, this young boy gets excited about going to church on Sundays. It's stories like this, that really give me that extra boost when I am feeling down. God knows our needs and gives hope in dark times. I will put my trust in Him.
Last Forever s09e23 & s09e24
10 years ago