Some have called what is happening in Seattle Snopacolypse 2008. That might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but we did get more than a foot of snow. It is most snow that I have ever seen fall in either Washington or Tennessee (not counting the mountain area). It's beautiful and I am pretty sure its going to last through Christmas - which is what most people hope for. So that is the good part - beautiful snow, families playing, lighting a fire and watching a movie. It's all good - well except for the driving part. Everybody says they love watching the snow, but hate driving in it. People also always refer to the other drivers and that is what makes it so bad. Just so you know - you are the other driver. Regardless of how good I think I am at driving in the snow, I am the other driver. I happen to really enjoy driving in the snow - I don't have a 4 wheel drive vehicle, heck I don't even have chains - just a full size truck that handles pretty good. There is a certain part of me that believes that being able to navigate in the snow makes me feel a bit manly. It's kind of like hunting, building or fixing something. I just feel like grunting like Tim the Tool Man when I am driving in the snow. Well I feel that testosterone flowing right up until the moment when I am kind of stuck and feeling like I am going to have to get some help. It is at that moment that I pray like I have never prayed before. It's like praying to get an A on a test you didn't study for. You know - I really should not have been driving or playing or I should have bought the chains. So you drive back and forth and spin your tires as much as possible with the hopes that somehow you can get unstuck. If you happen to get out, then you thank God and then start to feel that testosterone flow again. Yep, I got out - I was never worried. I am a Man.